MSEI Workshop
Medical School Entrance Interview (MSEI) Workshop
The MSEI workshop is a two day workshop focusing on increasing a positive performance during the medical school interview, specifically the multi-mini interview (MMI). ISHS in collaboration with the undergraduate medical program delivers the IPAC workshop on a yearly basis in February.
- Possess knowledge of the medical school entrance interview processes.
- Possess critical thinking skills to successfully answer different types of medical school entrance interview questions.
- Possess communication skills to successfully answer different types of medical school entrance interview questions.
- Demonstrate the capacity for self-reflection as an Indigenous person.
You will have a chance to engage with existing medical students, residents and physicians through a series of activities as you work towards achieving the outlined objectives.
- Activity 1: Understanding the MSEI & MMI Process
- Activity 2: Knowing Yourself
- Activity 3: Preparation for the Interview Process
- Activity 4: Types of Interview Topics and Questions
- Activity 5: Intro: Individual Interview & Group Work
- Activity 6: Revisiting the Vision
- Activity 7: Practising MMI Interviews
- Activity 8: Debriefing from the MMI Interviews
- Activity 9: Closing Sharing Circle
During the course you will be provided with resource material for future reference and view MMI video scenarios demonstrating both strong and weak performances as a learning tool.
Participants prepare by engaging in the following:
- Visit various medical school’s websites to ensure you know what type of interview you will be participating in.
- Write a personal biography of approximately two pages in length.
- Write a letter of reference for yourself describing why you are qualified to enter medical school.
- Think about “knowing yourself”; describe yourself from a holistic perspective with words, phrases, and symbols. A holistic perspective can be written or using a circle diagram with a human being outline; consider values, qualities, traits, interests and gifts in the context of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspect of self.
- Read existing literature on the MMI.
The MSEI is by invitation to current First Nations, Inuit and Métis applicants to McMaster’s undergraduate medical program. Invitations to attend the MSEI are sent with your letter of offer to interview for the program.
The MSEI is jointly funded by the IHLL office and Undergraduate Medical Program. Accommodations, meals, and materials are provided. Students pay their own transportation costs to and from the site in Hamilton.
Currently, eligible students are able to participate more than once.
All Indigenous students invited to interview are invited to participate regardless of place of residence.
Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine – How We Select – MMI
Canadian Medical Association Journal
MMI Interview Samples | MD Program – Univeristy of Calgary
Health Care System – Main Page – Health Canada
Premed, MCAT Books, Medical School Admissions and Interviews
Canada’s Health Care System [Health Canada, 2011]
Medical School Interviews: 6 Common Mistakes That Admissions Officers Hate
The Multiple Mini-Interview for Medical School Admissions
Memorial University Intrviewing Guidlines
Medical School Interviews | Career Planning Service (CaPS) – McGill University
Come Explore Health Careers
The IHLL office in collaboration with the Indigenous Health Interest Group (IHIG) hosts Come Explore Health Careers events each year, both on campus and in community.
This one-day event for Indigenous youth provides an opportunity for participants to engage in hands-on learning opportunities and work with current students from the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.
Program highlights:
- Opportunity to learn about careers in Nursing, Midwifery, Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Physicians Assistant.
- Workshops with hands-on clinical skills (i.e. wound care).
- Mentorship opportunities with current McMaster University Health Sciences students.
Expandable List
- Create a respectful and engaging environment for Indigenous youth that fosters inquiry and participation.
- Integration of Indigenous knowledge pertaining to health and health careers.
- Workshops to teach hands-on skills relevant to each discipline (i.e. wound care, checking vitals, etc.).
- Information on the educational and extra-curricular prerequisites for admission into Medical School, Nursing, Midwifery, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Physicians Assistant.
- Mentorship opportunities for participants to connect with students at McMaster University.
10:00 am | Arrival on Campus
Welcoming to McMaster/ Opening with Elder Ice Breaker Game |
10:30 am | Traditional Medicine/Health Presentation by one of IHLL’s Elder’s-in-Residence |
11:00 am | Participants split into four groups
Workshops Round 1
11:30 am | Workshops Round 2 |
12:00 pm | Lunch – supplied by IHLL |
12:30 pm | Workshops Round 3 |
1:00 pm | Workshops Round 4 |
1:30 pm | Health Professionals “Fair”
2:00 pm | Closing and Evaluations |
Responses from youth participants when asked: What did you enjoy the most?
“All the hands on experience.”
“I enjoyed learning about the different programs at McMaster.”
“I enjoyed being able to look at the anatomy of the heart and the lungs.”
“I loved the hands on approach and interactive activities.”
This event is hosted in collaboration with the Indigenous Health Interest Group (IHIG). Each year IHLL and IHIG seek current McMaster students, in all health sciences programs, to volunteer as a diverse team to deliver interactive workshops, share information about their program of study, and act as role models/mentors to Indigenous youth.
McMaster students who volunteer are able to receive an IPE credit.
If you would like to volunteer at a future event, contact our office.